Joys of winter

>> Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Estonia is reminding me more of Alaska than ever before. Not that I've been there.

This morning, we woke up in completely pitch black darkness to discover that the power was out in all of the area. It happens every now and then, because of the temperature change, wind, squirrels.. However, it's always so bothersome as we also lose the warm water and it is still dark in the morning. Since it was dark, I forgot that I had some kakaokohupiim in the fridge and instead, I ate the last of my favourite cereal Lotte maisipulgad. Dammit.

Later today, me and my fiabby (fianceé-hubby) will go see the flicks - Daybreakers. There wasn't much of a choice - either that or Frog Princess, which we both are not keen on seeing. The Daybreakers has a 65% rating on Rotten Tomatoes - so not too bad. I guess I'll have to judge for myself but I somehow know that it'll be another film made in the vampire-madness-frenzy times we are having (Twilight!!).

I hope I won't freeze walking in the cold though - people, wrap yourselves up, make sure to cover your mouth! Gosh, it really IS winter this year - must be Murphy's law, as some people can't afford heating.

By the way, I read from here that the last person alive to have known Franz Kafka turned 106. Nice.



>> Sunday, January 17, 2010

.. ever make the mistake of picking Nucleic Acid Chemistry as an elective subject!! Never!! Go for stuff like Genomics and Proteomics - that would be a safe bet.

That is all.



>> Monday, January 11, 2010

Lately, I've been somewhat... lazy. I didn't bother to blog (haa!), didn't bother to study for exams or finish assignments. I've been really unmotivated for some reason. I wonder whether it's the cold outside or that I just couldn't bother. Everything seems to be denser when I'm working closer to deadline. Of course, afterwards I'll keep telling myself that this is the last time - next time I will start doing things early. And I never will. How can I become a scientist if I keep up like this?

Despite all, I haven't been completely inactive.

I have made lots of rye bread meanwhile - with and without seeds, hazelnuts, dried apricots etc. All of it has been very tasty. My latest experiment was pita bread, which should be relatively easy to make. Yes, things that are easy to make are also the easiest to be screwed up. The trick to making pita was to knead like a mad-woman for half an hour in the stickiest dough imaginable (quite like ciabatta dough) and then, when it was elastic enough, add olive oil, and oh all the wondrous glory of the world, it was p e r f e c t. Unfortunately my shady and shambled oven doesn't heat over 250 C. This prolonged the baking time, but didn't damage the texture, flavour and most importantly - the formation of the pocket - pita's trademark characteristics, if you will. Next big experiment will be hummus - that is if I visit Stockmann in the nearer future.

In the department of My Latest Obsessions you can find kakaopuding and photographing ice on my window but I've also taken fancy to cutting out snowflakes from parchment paper (as an alternative to origami by creating an unnecessary pile of small cut-outs, and a huge mess on the table).

So my dear and inexistent readers, I will try to review some of my favourite anime in the nearer future, but yea, I don't exactly know when. Until then, read something creepy, like Natsuo Kirino's "Out".


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